Connect consistently with your people
Keeping in contact with the people you care about most in this frenzied world can be tough. We're here to make it easier.
Frequently asked questions
When is Syndeo launching?
We don't have an exact date yet, but it will be in early 2025. We are currently collecting feedback from our private beta and want to make the best possible product before fully launching.
What will Syndeo cost?
Pricing is TBD. Our goal is for Syndeo to be accessible to as many people as possible which will certainly drive our pricing decision. Early adopters will get a discount too so sign up to receive our launch updates!
Will this really help me stay connected with people?
We sure hope so! As with most things in life, you'll get out of it what you put in. But, especially if you are a calendar-driven person, Syndeo will certainly help.
Is my personal data secure?
We take security very seriously which is why Syndeo adheres to the latest security best practices. We use Syndeo ourselves and would never do anything to endanger your data or breach your trust. We will never sell your data.
Note from the creator
Hello there 👋
My name is Ray. I created Syndeo because I needed a system to help me stay in contact with the people I care about.
It's hard for me to stay in contact with people I don't see every day. I'm not naturally inclined to reach out to people whenever they pop into my mind. But if something is on my calendar, it happens!
Syndeo helps me consistently connect with friends and family and I hope it does the same for you!